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How do our translations compare with current commercial systems? 

Below are a few sentences in English and Arabic that have semantic challenges, with French and German translations using tRAEnslate.   Click here to see how the Google and Microsoft translations compare.

English Examples

My candidate is running.
French tRAEnslation: Mon candidat se présente aux élections.
German tRAEnslation: Mein Kandidat stellt sich der Wahl.

My candidate is running a temperature.
 French tRAEnslation: Mon candidat fait une fièvre.
 German tRAEnslation: Mein Kandidat hat ein Fieber.

My refrigerator is running and my nose is running.
 French tRAEnslation: Mon réfrigérateur fonctionne et mon nez coule.
 German tRAEnslation: Mein Kühlschrank läuft und meine Nase rinnt.

The hot dog is ready to eat.
 French tRAEnslation: Le hot-dog est prêt à manger.
 German tRAEnslation: Die Frankfurter Wurst is fertig zu essen.

The hot dog is ready to bark.
 French tRAEnslation: Le chien chaud est prêt à aboyer.
 German tRAEnslation: Der heisse Hund ist fertig zu bellen.

Arabic Examples

تناول الأستاذ الموضوع في الدرس
 English tRAEnslation: The professor dealt with the subject during the lesson.
 French tRAEnslation: Le professeur a traité le sujet pendant la leçon.
 German tRAEnslation: Der Professor hat der Gegenstand während des Unterricht behandelt.

تناول الأستاذ الطعام في الدرس
 English tRAEnslation: The professor ate the food during the lesson.
 French tRAEnslation: Le professeur mange la nourriture pendant la leçon.
 German tRAEnslation: Der Professor aβ die Speise während des Unterricht.

يصيح الديك
 English tRAEnslation: The rooster crows.
 French tRAEnslation: Le coq chante.
 German tRAEnslation: Der Hahn kräht.

يصيح الأستاذ على تلاميذه
 English tRAEnslation: The professor yells at his students.
 French tRAEnslation: Le professor hurle à ses étudiants.
 German tRAEnslation: Der Professor schimpft bei seine Studenten.

أريد أن أزور جدة
 English tRAEnslation: I want to visit Jeddah.
 French tRAEnslation: Je veux visiter Jeddah.
 German tRAEnslation: Ich will nach Jeddah reisen.

أريد أن أزور جدة زوجتي
 English tRAEnslation: I want to visit my wife’s grandmother.
 French tRAEnslation: Je veux rendre visite à la grandmère de ma femme.
 German tRAEnslation: Ich will die Grossmutter meiner Frau besuchen.

How does it work?

tRAEnslate has been developed with the following characteristics:

  • Semantic translations
    The semantic context of the message is understood, including homonyms.  For example, the correct meaning of "hot" is translated for the syntactically identical sentences "That sun is hot", "That jazz is hot", and "That uranium is hot".
  • Unrestricted vocabulary
    Commercial semantic translations limit the vocabulary to a restricted domain, as is done in Latent Semantic Indexing systems.  For example, when an air traffic control system sees the word "bank", it means the orientation of the aircraft, not anything to do with finance.  No such restrictions are in tRAEnslate .
  • Language Independence
    The same semantic code is used for translation no matter what human language the text is written in.  To write a translation system with tRAEnslate, all you need are the dictionary and syntax information for the language.
  • Parallel data dictionaries
    Our Language Independent Semantic Taxonomy (LIST) structure sets one-to-one relationships between words/phrases in different languages.  This gives exact translations the first time and every time.
  • No Language Pair Restrictions
    tRAEnslate analyzes individual languages, not language pairs. You can translate a source language into as many target languages as you want with only the target language words and sentence structure.

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Reston, VA 20194 USA